Learn More - Costs

What Does Great Design Cost?
I get asked that a lot. A lot...
What is a fair hourly rate for the years of experience, construction know-how, plant material knowledge and finally that elusive design talent one most possess?
How long would a typical residential property take to field measure and record data, secure climatic data, draw conceptually, meet with client 2 or 3 times in the process, to finalize a creative, working design?
How much is good professional design worth? If I am challenged with walkways, decks, pools, hot tubs, plant layout, steps, ramps, trellis, arbors, water ponds, hard and soft materials, ecological friendly design, then it’s worth a lot.
In reality, how much time is spent on your design varies, but you can begin to understand based on the following hours...
10 hours - not enough
20 hours - maybe
30 hours - more likely
40 hours - typical
50 hours - sometimes
If you took a small 30 to 40 hour project, you’re design fee would be somewhere in the $1000.00 range…
There are thousands of material choices, thousands of plant choices, there is bad design, good design and great design.
Free Quote
Great design from a professional designer, does cost a lot. But, you always get what you pay for, sometimes even more.
Your committing a lifetime investment in your property, some of you will invest hundreds of thousands of dollars, you certainly, want the best creative design and that’s what we do.
Yes there are variables. That’s why we give free quotes…

Why Lein Design?
We are really cool people!
We think you're really cool too!
We think you should be able discuss your landscape design services in a professional environment.
Free from judgment.
Just like when you buy coffee or tea.
About Us
We are a professional landscape design company, committed to provinding you with the best custom design service.
Pronounced: LINE DESIGN