Lein Design Inc.Lein Design Inc.

Landscape Contractor

iPhone Estimating App

Estimate entire landscape project including; sod, seed, topsoil. mulch, beach stone, decorative rocks, boulders, paving stone, gravel base, sand levelling course, plant material, labour, equipment, overhead, taxes etc. This new version rocks!

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Slope Calculator

iPhone Survey App

As a contractor or builder, do you need to find the difference in elevation to maintain a proper slope? Need to build a patio and figure out the difference in height to establish that 2% slope for drainage? Are you required to build a berm at a maximum slope of 33%? This app will calculate these and hundreds of other scenarios for you.

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Landscape Pro

iPhone Estimating App

Our Landscape Pro Estimator App is a master collection of industry specific estimating calculators. You'll get our turf calculator including our sod and seed estimator, our topsoil calculator, our mulch calculator including bulk and bagged quantities as well as our beach stone calculator.

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Turf Pro

iPhone Estimating App

Our Turf Pro 2 Estimator has the ability to calculate the amount of turf (rolls of sod) and or lbs. of grass seed, required for your project, including amount of topsoil for sod and seed installations.

There is no limit to the number of areas you wish to input. This app is available in both imperial and metric units of measure.

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Mulch Pro

iPhone Estimating App

Our Mulch Pro Estimator has the ability to calculate the amount of mulch required for your project in cubic yards and / or by bags.

Our app calculates in BOTH imperial and metric units of measure.

This app will allow you to calculate an unlimited number of areas.

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Topsoil Pro

iPhone Estimating App

Our Topsoil Pro Estimator has the ability to calculate the amount of topsoil required for your project in either cubic yards or cubic metres.

This app will allow you to calculate unlimited number of areas.

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Why Lein Design?

We are really cool people!
We think you're really cool too!
We are a professional software design company specializing in landscape and construction apps.

Pronounced: LINE DESIGN